  1. Vintage Labels
  2. Food & Beverage Labels

Chazy Orchards Apple Crate Label

SKU: CRL1027
$3.25 USD

Historic Overview

A leading grower of McIntosh apples in the Northeast, this Chazy Orchards Apple Crate Label measures 10.25” Wide x 7” High and is in mint unused condition. The label is circa 1940s and depicts an orchard. The apples were grown and packed by Chazy Orchards of Chazy, New York, the largest McIntosh Orchard in the world.

The original Chazy orchard was planted in 1924-25-26 by a subsidiary of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation. Originally there were planted 29,000 McIntosh, 6,673 Snows, 3,226 Northern Spy, 685 Cortland, 82 Lowry, and 500 miscellaneous varieties. There were a total of 43,180 trees in the planting after the spring of 1931. The winter of 1934 took a heavy toll on the orchards of the Northeast, and Chazy Orchards did not escape. Through the years they have added and renovated the orchards. Today there are roughly 80,000 trees maintained and the Company rents about 600 colonies of honey bees to pollinate the blossoms, since most varieties are self sterile. The orchard is now owned and operated by Donald F. Green III.





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