  1. Vintage Labels
  2. Food & Beverage Labels

Diluted Hydrochloric Acid

SKU: ULB1107
$0.95 USD

Historic Overview

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, poisonous liquid that is a highly corrosive acid. It is widely used in ore processing, for cleaning metals, as a reagent, etc. But, diluted Hydrochloric acid can be taken orally as a medication for the treatment of stomach diseases. Diluted acids act on the heart generally, slowing its pulsations and reducing the temperature.

Human digestive fluids consist of a mixture of hydrochloric acid and various enzymes which help break down stomach contents. The theory is by taking diluted hydrochloric acid you will increase your stomach’s hydrochloric acid and lower your temperature.There is some evidence to show that the continued administration of the acid is capable of increasing the gastric secretion, anyway.

This pharmacy label is from McAdams & Morford, Wholesale Druggist, from Lexington, Kentucky and measures 2.75” Wide x 1.75” High. The label dates back to 1910 and is in excellent condition with good graphics. It would be great paired with our Cheracol label.



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