  1. Sweetmex Orange Crate Label

    SKU: CRL1046
    $2.95 USD

    Historic Overview

    This beautiful vintage lithograph is of the Sweetmex Brand of Oranges from Empacadora Buena Vista Company of Mexico. The crate label is from the 1940s and shows a pretty woman in a Sombrero holding a small sign saying Pride of Mexico. Measuring 9” Wide x 9” High, the label identifies the shipper as Chas. A. Rogers & Sons of Weslaco, Texas. The label was lithographed by Stecher-Traung Litho Co, of San Francisco, California.

    It was in 1924 that Charles A. Rogers bought his first carload of Texas citrus as it rolled into the Chicago train yards. From this humble beginning Charles became a produce broker, buying and selling produce as a commodity in the Chicago produce market. In 1940 he decided to move his family from the cold, windy city of Chicago, to the balmy tropical breezes of south Texas and setup his company shipping Texas and Mexican fruit back East. Shortly after World War II, he opened Rogers & Sons, a catalog business that he had always dreamed of opening and it still operates today.


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