  1. Henry George's Drawing Salve

    SKU: ULB1113
    $1.05 USD

    Historic Overview

    This interesting round label measures 1.25” in diameter and was used for the relief of boils, carbuncles, pimples, burns, cuts, bruises, and local inflammations. Henry George lived from the middle to the end of the 19th century and his name was probably used because of his notoriety. He was a young unknown printer in San Francisco who wrote a book he called Progress and Poverty. George’s idea was that: he who makes should have; he who saves should enjoy; what the community produces belongs to the community for communal uses; and God's earth, all of it, is the right of the people who inhabit the earth. During his lifetime, Henry George became the third most famous man in the United States, only surpassed in public acclaim by Thomas Edison and Mark Twain.

    The salve was prepared exclusively by E. M. Duerfeldt of the Columbia Pharmacy in Spokane, Washington and sold for $.25. What a great label to frame in a group or put on a bottle to display.


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