  1. Morjon California Anchovies Label

    SKU: ULB1092
    $1.55 USD

    Historic Overview

    This unused mint condition label is for a 5 oz. can of anchovies packed sardine style in tomato sauce. The label measures 7” Wide x 3” High and is from the 1940s with great colors and nice images. The fish were packed for Connell Brothers Company, Ltd. of San Francisco, California.

    Connell Brothers Company, Ltd. started as a bold move by J.J. Connell to take up a bank’s offer to liquidate a cargo of distressed flour in Hong Kong in 1895. The deal was successful and the company was born. The business continued to grow, as Connell Bros. became a reputed brand in the Orient trading in condensed milk, and fresh fruits from California in addition to flour.

    After M.J. Connell’s death in 1925, J.J. Connell offers the company for sale to the Wilbur-Ellis Company and they diversify and expand considerably. It now trades in industrial chemicals as well as semi-manufactured goods in the Orient. Through 1975 Connell Bros. expands in Asia and the CBC name becomes synonymous with imports from the West.

    The company is still in business today and is truly Asia Pacific’s leading Multinational distributor.



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