  1. White House California Vegetables Crate Label

    SKU: CRL1102
    $2.65 USD

    Historic Overview

    This smaller vintage California crate label measures 6.5” Wide x 2.75” High and is from the 1950s. The label features a great drawing of the White House in an oval on a dark blue background. The vegetables were grown and distributed by the Kavanagh Distributing Co. of Los Angles, California. The label was copyrighted by Jones & Kavanagh Co., Ltd., the owner of Kavanagh Distributing. You will notice on either side, just below the White House image a shield logo with the initials JK for Jones & Kavanagh. The distributing company was a member of the Western Growers Protective Association.

    Formed in 1926 in California's Imperial Valley, the Western Growers Protective Association began as a marketing protective organization to combat rate hikes instituted by the railroads. Western Growers is dedicated to providing services and programs that benefit and enhance the competitiveness of its members in the Arizona and California fresh produce industry. Their members grow, pack and ship nearly one half of the nation's fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.



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