  1. Atlas Cream Soda Label - Small

    SKU: SOD1027
    $0.95 USD

    Historic Overview

    This vintage cream soda label is from the Atlas Bottling Company in Detroit, Michigan. The antique label measures 3.4” Wide x 2.9” High and is in mint condition. The label has a different color and is smaller in size than our larger cream soda label. It features a globe or atlas of the North American and South American continents in the center. It went on a 1/2 liter bottle and we think it is from the early 1960s.

    The Atlas Bottling Company was started around 1929. In 1945 the original owner died and his brothers took over and ran the business successfully until they died in 1993. The children took over in 1993 and essentially ran the business into the ground. Before long, the Teamsters sued them, they stopped paying for insurance, and the business failed around 1996. The surviving family members are still upset with the apparent destruction of the business by these heirs.

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